Analysis on the state of development of civil aviation industry in major countries along the Belt and Road Initiative_Research Projects_Research and Consultation Service_中国民用航空局国际合作服务中心


Author:| Source:| Release time:2019-02-27

Analysis on the state of development of civil aviation industry in major countries along the Belt and Road Initiative

In 2017, ICSCC and CGGT jointly launched a research on the development of civil aviation industry in major countries along the Belt and Road, with focusing on 32 countries based on the importance and the availability of information. Countries along the Belt and Road were divided into five units according to their geographic locations, namely Southeast Asia, South Asia, Central Asia and the Commonwealth of the Independent States, West Asia, and Central and Eastern Europe, and the number of countries researched in these units is 7, 4, 9, 5, and 7 respectively. The research included six aspects: bilateral relations, the development of civil aviation, the status of major airports, major airlines and the future trend of the industry.

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Research on the revision of the Chinese translation of international conventions on civil aviation

International conventions are important legal sources in civil aviation field, yet the conflicts between different versions of texts that are of the same effect have resulted in many troubles in understanding and applying of those conventions as well as in the communications between ICAO member states. Due to this situation, the project aims to edit and translate international conventions without the Chinese versions that lack official recognition and then submit them to be reviewed by relevant departments, and collect existing Chinese versions to correct inaccurate wordings and unify all expressions. Its final results will be applied to practical work as a series of books.