Introduction to International Cooperation and Service Center, CAAC (ICSCC)

Based on the predecessor, the Translation Office of Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) established in 1989, the International Cooperation and Service Center, CAAC (ICSCC) was founded and registered in 1996 as a public institution directly under CAAC approved by the State Commission Office for Public Sector Reform.

Foreign Airlines Service Center, CAAC, founded in 1996, is also a public institution directly under CAAC approved by the State Commission Office for Public Sector Reform.

In December 2011, ICSCC and Foreign Airlines Service Center were integrated to operate together under the name of International Cooperation and Service Center, CAAC (Foreign Airlines Service Center, CAAC). As an entity of associate department level, ICSCC is a public institution directly under CAAC.

Major Functions of ICSCC:

1.  Entrusted to carry out international exchanges and cooperation in civil aviation;

2.  Entrusted to undertake studies and consultancy services on civil aviation international laws and policies;

3.  Commissioned by CAAC and ICAO to provide translation and interpretation services and undertake other relevant work;

4.  Providing support and information services for the guidance, oversight and inspection of foreign, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan airlines by CAAC;

5.  Entrusted to go through application procedures for foreign airlines and airlines from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan to set up representative offices in China, assist in the entry and residence application for their staff, and provide relevant consultation services;

6.  Assisting in handling the applications for the operation of small charter flights and providing consultation services for foreign, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan airlines;

7.  Going through procedures of putting on record the names of Chinese crew members employed by foreign airlines, as well as China’s Mainland crew members employed by Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan airlines;

8.  Entrusted to assist in the application services and management of Passport and Visa for personnel in CAAC and its affiliated entities, and going through the procedures of entry visa invitation for foreigners invited by CAAC;

9.  Organizing or hosting foreign-related civil aviation conventions and exhibitions at home and abroad;

10.  Undertaking the editing and publishing of foreign-related publications of CAAC;

11.  Undertaking the operation and implementation of the “Belt and Road” Cooperation Platform of CAAC;

12.  Undertaking the specific tasks in the management of international talents of civil aviation; 

13.  Undertaking other work commissioned by CAAC.

  • Telephone:01058297381
  • Fax:01058297382
  • E-mail:xzrsb@icscc.org.cn
