- Launch of Scheduled Route
- Launch of Unscheduled Route
- Other CAAC Departments
- Others

Department of Transport, CAAC
Shang Kejia Zhang xuan
Te1: 010-64092902164091994
Fax: 010-64013829
Department of Development Planning, CAAC
Pang Dongliang
Tel: 8610-64091730
E-mait: intfare@caac.gov.cn
Department of international Affairs, CAAC
Liu Jing Zhang Xinyu
Tel: 010-58297387
E-mail: xinyu_zhang@icscc.org.cn
Carriers from Europe, Commonwealth of Independent States, or MongolisDivision of Foreign Airlines Certificalion and Oversight of CAAC NorthChina Regional Administration
Liu Jianhua Bian Haiyan
Te1 010-64590608/64596471
Fax 010-64597286
Carriers from the Americas, South Korea, Japan or DPRKDivision of Foreign Airlines Certification and Oversight of CAAC East Chin:Regional Administration
Chen Zhihua Dou Chuanwe
Tel: 021-22322209122321337
Carriers from other regionsDivision of Foreign Airlines Certification and Oversight of CAAc CentralSouth Regional Administration
Wang Yin Lu Jin
Tel: 020-86134405186122490
Fax: 020-86134405186135045
Flight Plan Division of Operalional Supervisory Center, CAACpre-flight plan management, slot coordination
Tek: 010-64092183/64092147
Flight Plan Division of Operational Supenisory Center, CAAC. route and flights management
Tel: 010-64092148
Fax: 010-64092149
Department of Transport, CAAC
Shang Kejia Zhang Xuan
Tel: 010-64092902/64091994
E-mail: intl@caac.gov.cn zhangxuan@caac.gov.cn

Department of Transport, CAAC
Contact: Shang Kejia Zheng Xinjie
Division of Foreign Airlines Certificationand Oversight of CAAC North China
Regional Administration
Contact: Liu Jianhua Bian Haiyan
Division of Foreign Airlines Certification and Oversight ofCAAC East China Regional Administration
Contact: Chen Zhihua Dou Chuanwei
Tel: 021-22322209122321337
Division of Foreign Airlines Certification and Oversight ofCAAC Central South Regional Administration
Contact: Wang Yin Lu Jin
Tel: 020-86134405/86122490
Flight Plan Division of Operational Supervisory Center.CAAC
(non-scheduled pre-flight plan management, slotcoordination)
Tel: 010-64092148

Division of Statistics of the Department ofDevelopment Planning,CAAC
Tel: 010-64092750
Statistics Center of CAAC
Tel: 010-64473513
Consumer Affairs Center (Division of ConsumerAffairs of the Department of Transport)
Tel: 010-64287798
CAAC Settlement Center
Contact:Wen Bo 010-84669048
Accouting Centre of China Aviation-Airport Miscellaneous Settlment Dept.
Contact: 010-56896255/63
Operation Supervision Division of OperationalSupervisory Center.CAAC
Tel: 010-64012907
SITA message address:BJSZGCA
- Evaluation indicators and Regulatory Measures for Flight Regularity 2019
- Measures for the Credit Administration of Civil Aviatior Industry
- Regulation on the Management of Civil Aviation Passenger Transport Service
- Advance Passenger Information System lmplementation Guide for the Inbound and Outbound Flights to/from China.
- Rules on Aviation Security for Public Air Transport Enterprise