Notice on Precise Epidemic Prevention and Control for International Air Cargo Crews_COVID-19_中国民用航空局国际合作服务中心


作者:| 来源 :| 发布时间:2020-05-19

Notice on Precise Epidemic Prevention and Control for International Air Cargo Crews

字号:T T T

Unofficial Translation for Reference Only

Ministry of Transport,

National Health Commission,

General Administration of Customs,

National Immigration Administration,

Civil Aviation Administration of China,

State Post Bureau

Notice on Precise Epidemic Prevention and Control for International Air Cargo Crews

April 13, 2020

Currently, China is facing tough and complex challenges in containing the import of COVID-19 as the outbreak picks up speed in other countries. Meanwhile, affected by the outbreak, the capacity of international air cargo has declined significantly, which has a serious impact on China's foreign trade and international supply chain. In order to act upon the important instructions of President Xi Jinping and other leaders of the CPC Central Committee, promote the implementation of the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on coordinating the epidemic prevention and control and the economic and social development, strive to resolutely contain the import of cases through means of transport, and ensure uninterrupted channels for international logistics transport and effectively maintain the stability of the international supply chain, the Notice on Precise Epidemic Prevention and Control for International Air Cargo Crews is issued in accordance with requirements of the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council in response to COVID-19:

I. Strict and Closed-off Management of International Air Cargo Crews

1. Closed-off management of crews shall be implemented. For crew members who will continue to fly on international routes after disembarkation for rest, the government of the city where the airport is located shall be responsible for implementing closed-off management of the crew members in accordance with the way of "no entry, no test and centralized resting in designated places" if the results of the customs’ onboard quarantine show no abnormality. If conditions allow, a dedicated area shall be set up at the airport for the rest of crew members of international flights, and the area shall be equipped with relevant facilities and equipment necessary for daily life, so as to create favorable conditions for their rest. If conditions do not allow, the government of the city where the airport is located shall, on the basis of comprehensive consideration of the opinions from the airport and airlines, designate places (hotels or guesthouses) near the airport for isolated accommodation of international air cargo crews. Point-to-point special vehicles shall be arranged to transport the crews between the airport and the designated places. Personal protection equipment shall be provided for the drivers of the designated special vehicles and staff working at the designated places.

2. Restricting the movement of aircrews. Aircrews shall exercise self-discipline and shall not leave the enclosed areas without authorization and shall not go to the public places of airports, designated hotels or guesthouses. It is necessary to strictly manage aircrews through arrangement of special on-duty personnel and video surveillance among others.

3. Strengthening the prevention and control measures for crew members who will fly on domestic routes after their entry into China. International air cargo crew members who will fly on domestic routes after their entry into China shall receive nucleic acid test at the first designated point of entry. Before the test results are confirmed, they shall be under the control of local governments. Only those whose test results are negative can continue to fly on domestic routes.

II. Refinement of Prevention and Control Measures for Customs Clearance of International Air Cargo Crews

4. Setting up a white list system for crews. Enterprises engaging in international air cargo transport are allowed to establish a white list system for active international crew members who meet the health standards, and the ports concerned shall facilitate customs clearance for crew members on such lists.

5. Implementing centralized quarantine and customs clearance. Local customs shall implement the policy of centralized handling and rapid customs clearance for international air cargo crews who disembark from the aircraft. Special channels may be temporarily set up based on the overall flow of customs quarantine and clearance, to arrange the quarantine and clearance for cargo crews on a priority basis so as to avoid the contact between the crews and passengers and reduce the risk of cross infection.

6. Carrying out classified and accurate management of inbound crews. For the international cargo crews of Chinese aviation enterprises, if they only make a short stay at a foreign airport during the task performance and adopt proper protective measures in strict accordance with the requirements and do not enter the country of destination, and if the crew and the airlines make a respective commitment not to disembark from the aircraft and bear the corresponding responsibilities, they shall be exempted from nucleic acid test and centralized isolation when returning and entering China, and those whose body temperature meets the requirements may continue to perform cargo flights; if they enter the country of destination and make a short stay under closed-off management during the task performance, they shall, when returning and entering China, be subject to nucleic acid test as required, and those with negative test results shall be exempted from centralized isolation.

7. Simplifying control measures for crews flying only on certain routes. For international air cargo crews who only carry out round-trip flights on certain routes, if their temperature meets the regulations, there is no need to apply the control measures of 14-day isolation for them.

8. Ensuring smooth exit of foreign cargo crew members who have tested positive for COVID-19. If a foreign crew member flying the Chinese cargo flights, who has symptoms or used to be in close contact with confirmed cases or who tests positive for COVID-19, applies to return to his own country for isolation treatment, he shall be allowed to go back if he makes a commitment to bear all responsibilities by himself, with the consent of the local joint prevention and control mechanism, and after the carrier implements strict protective measures.

III. Rigorous Implementation of Responsibilities for Epidemic Prevention and Control by All Parties

9. Enterprises shall strictly implement their responsibilities as the main actors. International air cargo enterprises shall assume chief responsibility for epidemic prevention and control of their crews. They shall strictly meet the requirements regarding the epidemic prevention and control, abide by the provisions of quarantine and inspection, refine the prevention and control measures for port operations, self-protection and centralized rest, and effectively strengthen the management of cargo crews. It is necessary to refine and implement the captain responsibility system, earnestly strengthen regular examination of the health of crew members, and urge them to ensure personal protection in accordance with the requirements of the epidemic prevention guidelines. Adequate protective equipment of various kinds shall be offered to crews and the supply of food and related necessities assured, to avoid unnecessary going out of crews.

10. Industry regulators shall strictly implement their regulatory responsibilities. All CAAC regional administrations and local postal administrations shall implement their regulatory responsibilities. They shall strengthen the supervision of air cargo enterprises and postal express enterprises in accordance with the division of duties, urge them to establish, improve and strictly implement various systems for epidemic prevention and control and offer guidance as needed, and actively cooperate with local governments in implementing the closed-off management system for crews. Local departments of transport, health, customs and border inspection shall further optimize relevant control measures according to their own responsibilities, and ensure quarantine of international air cargo crews.

11. Local governments shall strictly implement management responsibilities under their jurisdictions. Relevant local governments shall strictly implement   management responsibilities their jurisdictions and determine places for air cargo crews to rest in a concentrated and closed way as soon as possible. It is imperative to organize relevant departments of health, transport and public security for the arrangement of special personnel to strengthen the management of international air cargo crews and effectively control the scope of their activities and the risk of transmission of the epidemic. Beijing Municipality shall act in accordance with the relevant provisions of the coordination mechanism of joint prevention control for strict management of entry into the capital.

IV. Enhancement of International Cooperation to Advance Joint Prevention and Control of Epidemic for International Air Cargo

12. Advancing joint prevention and control. We shall continue to promote the joint prevention and control between China and other countries and regions which operate cargo flights to/from China, to strengthen exit quarantine of international air cargo crews, so as to prevent crew members "in an unhealthy state" from flying.

The joint prevention and control mechanisms in response to COVID-19 of provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps shall transmit the Notice to the joint prevention and control mechanisms in response to COVID-19 of the people’s governments of cities where international air cargo routes are operated, and ensure smooth implementation of the Notice.

Ministry of Transport

National Health Commission

General Administration of Customs

National Immigration Administration

Civil Aviation Administration of China

State Post Bureau